Pregmate Wiki
Using ovulation tests with PCOS
Using an ovulation test to help pinpoint fertile times may not give you reliable results if you have polycystic ov...
Pregmate Pregnancy Tests. How and when to do the test?
Pregmate pregnancy tests detect human pregnancy hormone in urine. This hormone is produced by the cells of the ...
What is a chemical pregnancy?
The excitement of receiving a positive result on a pregnancy test, only to then take another test and receive a nega...
What factors can give false positive results?
A positive result may be seen if you had a miscarriage or have given birth within the past 8 weeks (since hCG may st...
What if the testing line is very light in color, am I pregnant?
Yes. You should assume you are pregnant. The exact color of the lines is not important.
Though a positive result sho...
What are pregnancy test evaporation lines?
Evaporation lines are caused by evaporation of the urine in the result window of a pregnancy test. These are lines t...
The average implantation time
The average implantation time is 9 days past ovulation. It takes 2-3 days for the embryo to make enough hcg hor...
Fertility drugs and pregnancy testing
There is not much that interferes with a pregnancy test kit, so that's good news. Most prescription and OTC drugs do...