Pregmate Wiki
Top Yoga Asanas That Boost Fertility
For many women, getting pregnant does not take a lot of effort. But if you happen to fall on the wrong side of s...
Have you heard of The Law of Attraction? Simply defined...
Conception is a rare event
A healthy couple in their 20's has only 25 percent chances of conceiving each month. A healthy 30-year-old woman ha...
Luteal phase is the phase between when ovulation occurs and your next cycle starts. The luteal phase typically lasts ...
Sex Timing for Having a Boy Versus a Girl
Increase your chances for having a boy! If you want a boy, aim to have sex two or three days before ovulatio...
Sex Timing for Having a Girl Versus a Boy
The research suggests that sex the day of ovulation is more likely to result in a girl. If you want a girl...
FACT: Most "overdue" babies aren't overdue at all, just the product of late ovulations, and that can lead to ne...
Predict Your Ovulation
There is a common myth that women always ovulate on day 14. In reality ovulation can happen from as early as 7 da...
Ovulation Symptoms
The 12 Ovulation Symptoms are:
1. Cervical mucus changes 2. Cervix position changes 3. A rise in basal body temper...
8 Fabulous Foods To Boost His Sperm Count And Increase Your Chance Of Conceiving
A low sperm count has been linked with factors such as a zinc deficiency or a lack of vitamins. So, making some nut...
Remove the guess work and get the timing right!
Trying to get pregnant is not just medical - it's psychological, social, and sexual. It involves an enormous amount...