Pregnancy Midstream Tests Instructions for Use
Dip the test into the urine for 5 seconds

or hold the tip in the urine stream for 10 seconds
Positive: Two lines mean the test is positive and you are pregnant. The color intensity of the lines may vary since different stages of pregnancy have different concentrations of hormone. The hormone level increases as your pregnancy progresses.

Negative: One line means the test is negative and you are not pregnant.
When to collect urine for the test? Any urine specimen is appropriate for pregnancy testing, but the first morning urine specimen is optimal because of its highest concentration of hormone.
Can test results be interpreted after more than 5 minutes? No. Test results must be read at 5 minutes. Though a positive result should not change for several days, a negative result may change to a false positive within minutes after the end of the testing period, which would not be an accurate reading. It is always best to read the results at the 5 minute testing period and then discard the test to avoid confusion.
There is much difference between the control lines of two tests. Is this a concern? No. Variations in the color of the control line will not affect the test result.
A pink background color and vertical streaking appeared in the result area during the testing period. Is this a concern? No. Each urine sample will vary in its chemical makeup, as will the humidity of the air in testing room. Such variations in physical conditions can cause vertical streaking and/or pink-rose background color but will not affect the test results. As long as the control band appears within 5 minutes, the test is working properly.
How to make sure I am getting the most accurate result? If you want to test as early as possible, but want to make sure you are getting the most accurate reading, test the day your next period is supposed to begin - you will have a 99% chance of getting an accurate result.
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